Screenwriting and Playwriting and Students' education are my interests

Hope you enjoy my blogs in my journey to grow as a screenwriter and as an educator.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Life Goes On

Today, I headed to the fields as soon as the morning rain stopped. I have only a small part of a field to do and it is not even August. I am behind on the garden weeds though. Today, I will harvest some cucumbers. I am looking forward to a salad made from cucumbers and onions sliced with a creamy sauce. In the past, I have followed my mother's recipe and used miracle whip with some cider vinegar, sugar, and pepper. I have added sour cream in the past, also. Now, I am thinking it might taste good to add vanilla yogurt into the recipe instead of using sugar.

I learned the Love and Logic program and I have been using it a lot in my daily life. Wow, does it come in handy! One of the skills is to offer choices when you can. Of course it has to be choices within your power to give. It can be even little mundane choices. It is important to offer choices for inclusion or that sense of belonging and also for a sense of control. Today, I offered choices and the teenagers felt a sense of control and contentment from getting to choose mundane things like whether we will choose raspberry tea or juice for our drink at the gas station, whether we will take a break or go to the garden first, etc.

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